Another theme which the research question relates to is how theory can reinforce how these athletes who make anti-vaccine statements are perceived. A theory that can relate to this research is labeling theory. Labeling theory suggests that once someone is labeled as deviant, they often face issues from the reaction of others to the negative stereotypes that are attached to the deviant label (Becker 1963).When athletes are put in a certain category based on their personal opinions or beliefs, this demonstrates labeling theory, especially when they are being labeled publicly by news outlets. Thompson (2014) describes the negative effects that come with labeling theory, stating that it has always been thought of as a disadvantage to be labeled as something, and how it is always looked at as deviant. Kroska and Harkness (2008) describe labeling theory and how it relates to people being labeled mentally ill, and the negative self-feelings that people have once they are seen as that. Although athletes who do not wish to accept a vaccine are not necessarily mentally ill, the way that people feel once being labeled still stands, and can have a negative effect on self-feelings. When discussing labeling theory and free speech in the media, these two themes relate due to the possibility of being labeled as deviant as a result of stating opinions regarding the Covid-vaccine. As for stating opinions through the internet, it is important to note that social media and the ability to say things publicly at a moment’s notice is something relatively new to society and a type of social interaction not seen before the 21st century (Gray 2015). Although this is a new way of expressing free speech in recent years, there are limitations to the theory of free speech regarding cultural and social forces, which can cause problems within a society (Mondal 2018).