Hi, thanks for taking the time to look at this project! My name is Cooper and I will be graduating from Gettysburg College in May 2024. Post graduation, I hope to support myself financially and find a job or career field that is fulfilling. I have played hockey my entire life, and my passion for the sport as a player and fan has only increased over time. At Gettysburg I am the captain and president of the school’s club team. Working in the field of sports would be a dream, within this data analysis and market research are both positions I know I can succeed and excel in.

When thinking about my long-term goals, I want to develop a work-life balance that allows me to spend time with family and travel. In spring of 2023 I spent a semester abroad in France, which only peaked and increased my curiosity to travel more. Ultimately, I hope to find a job that is in-line with my interests and values, where I am excited and motivated to work.

