In this project, I examine the effect of the #MeToo movement on portrayals of sexual misconduct in the New York Times from 2012 to 2022. The independent variable of the #MeToo movement can be defined as the time period in 2017 during which the hashtag was popularized. The dependent variable of portrayals of sexual misconduct can be defined as the language and imagery in reporting of events related to sexual violence. The content analysis will take place through online news articles published by the New York Times.

What is the effect of the #MeToo Movement on portrayals of sexual misconduct in news media from 2012 to 2022?

This study is relevant to the existing body of sociological knowledge because it takes a specific look at the language, imagery, and messaging used before, during, and after the #MeToo movement.

Philadelphia Women’s March, 2018. By Rob Kall from Flickr. (CC BY 2.0).