#MeToo Poster. By GGAADD from Flickr. (CC BY-SA 2.0).

Scholars agree that though the issue of sexual violence has been in the background of cultural discussion for decades, the #MeToo movement was a turning point in the discourse surrounding sexual assault (Amber et al 2020; Greene and Day 2020; Keyton, et al 2018). The #MeToo movement was successful in large part due to the shared, collective identity of survivors and allies who mobilized for the sake of the movement (Poletta and Jasper 2001). However, the accounts of women are often discounted as hysterical or overreactions, even now (Krasny 2020). Social movements like this one, brought about by a collective identity, have the power to transform cultural representations, social norms, and other institutions. These movements have the power to change the laws and norms that perpetuate violence against women (Htun and Jensenius 2020).