Much of the ideology surrounding sexual misconduct is tied to toxic masculinity and traditional standards for men. While the #MeToo movement brought about new narratives about women, it also changed portrayals of men (Harrington 2022). Some men shifted within prescribed norms for male employees, bosses, and friends. Other men helped to bring to light that male-identifying individuals can also be survivors of sexual violence (Solomon 2018). The #MeToo movement also brought about changes in the legislative arena. Following increased discussions surrounding sexual violence, it is important to note that at least some legal changes have been made to federal guidelines, state laws, and campus policies, though there is still significant room for improved protection of women and survivors of sexual violence (Gronert 2019; West 2018). It is also relevant that sexual harassment still exists in most, if not all, areas of life, including the corporate workplace (Hemel and Lund 2018). 

Stop Kavanaugh March in DC, 2018. By Susan Melkisethian from Flickr. (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)