‘About the Author’

I have various areas of interest for possible career goals, specifically marketing and education but unsure what direction I want to go in. I have worked with kids for a long time and have enjoyed those experiences, especially working with kids with special needs. Because of these opportunities, I have thought about becoming a teacher whether that be for general education or special education. I have considered teaching later in life after I have had other chances to try careers in a different setting.

Marketing has been an interest of mine for a while as I enjoy getting to be creative. I had a senior year internship for a local barbeque shop in Georgetown where I worked on marketing and branding for a week. While it was a short experience, I did enjoy what I got to do and learn. I also assisted an event planner at a wedding recently and found it to be a lot more interesting than I was expecting. While I wasn’t focused on event planning as a future career goal it has become something I would be more open to. I am motivated towards careers that focus on creativity and collaboration as they have been very influential factors in my college and working experience.

While I do not have any career plans lined up after college, I will be traveling Europe for 6 weeks with a group of friends. When I return, I will be living at the beach and getting a job for the rest of the summer. After that, I will hopefully have a better idea of what I want to do and have applied to several jobs in order to get experience. I hope to find something in marketing first to gain a deeper understanding of the industry. I plan to stay in the Washington DC area as that is where I would like to be and have found that there are many exciting opportunities for my professional life there.