For my research I conducted basic content analysis on the ten influencers I chose from Tik Tok. I chose five influencers who are more heavy set and who promote body positivity for body sizes that do not conform to society’s standards. I then choose another five influencers who conform to society standards with a more thin body type and who support body positivity. For my quantitative content analysis I looked at the top fifty comments on a popular post that highlights body positivity from each influencer. I then counted how many times the public says positive or negative things about that influencer’s body or about their own. For my qualitative content analysis I examined the deeper meaning behind how the public treats influencers who promote body positivity movement. I also looked for recurring themes from the data such as likeage, hashtag usage and comments.

My sampling frame consists of ten influencers who promote the body positivity movement on Tik Tok as well as female and adolescent girl Tik Tok users.I am focusing on the social media platform, Tik Tok, which has been around for approximately six years, and how the body positivity movement has grown along with the popularity of the platform. For my sampling method I used non-probability sampling as I looked for a specific perspective in mind of what I wanted to research, and then looked for data that provides support. I am choosing to research this topic as the body positivity movement has gained a lot of traction in recent years and social media, specifically Tik Tok, has drastically changed the course of how body positivity affects women and adolescent girls and their perceived body images today.