Short Term Goals

Currently, I would say my short term goals are focused on finding a job in New York City. Being able to commute from home and saving money until I have enough saved to move out is definitely a goal for post-grad. I also want to work in NYC as there are many opportunities for various professions and I am not limiting myself. I am looking to do something potentially related to recruitment consulting so I have been applying and interviewing for jobs related to that field. While recruitment consulting is an option, I am not exactly sure what I really want to do. I have had several jobs in a variety of industries including retail, healthcare and the food industry. Applying to a multitude of different jobs and networking is what I am most focused on right now. By applying to different jobs I can learn more about different industries and what interests me the most. Networking also allows me to learn more in-depth about various industries and what people’s personal experiences have been like when working for certain jobs and companies. While these are my current short term goals, I continually remind myself that if these goals do not work out in the timeframe I hope for, it is okay. Another short term goal I have if job searching does not go the way I planned is having a local summer job and saving money. Either of these short term goal options would make me equally happy as I know I am doing the best I can while still staying productive and making money.

Long Term Goals

In the future, my long term goals would be to live comfortably doing something I love. One long term goal is to work in a company for a long time that I enjoy working for and that has a supportive and exciting work environment. If I am to work in the same company for a while, I would like to work hard to move higher up within that company to make a larger salary. However, another long term goal I have is to be able to travel while making money. Traveling has always been a passion of mine and if I was able to turn it into a situation where I could get paid doing what I love most, that would be the ultimate long term goal. It is difficult to have a traveling job in early years as you may not have enough saved or not know where to begin which is why I see this being a goal well into my future. Even moving to a different country and acting as a liaison between two companies I think would be a great experience as it would allow me to experience a different culture. Staying in a company that I enjoy and moving up through the ranks or moving around and pursuing new experiences in my professional life would ultimately be my long term goals.
